Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Law of Attraction Says: You're Always Right!

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 Andrea Conway

The universe always agrees with you, and the Law of Attraction works perfectly every single time.

That's why, no matter what you believe, you're absolutely right.

If you believe you're not good enough to be successful in business, you're right.

If you believe you have to struggle and work hard all the time to get ahead, you're right.

Beliefs -- which are thoughts that you've had a longstanding habit of thinking -- eventually become your reality.

I know, I know -- you don't want to be overworked and unsuccessful.

No problem. Outgrown and outworn beliefs can simply be dropped at any time. We'll get to how in a moment. (Remember when you believed in the Tooth Fairy?)

But first, please, let it sink in that whatever reality you're living has been created by your beliefs. Accepting the connection between what you've been living and what you've been thinking is essential if you want Law of Attraction on your side.

Not really sure what you believe? Take a look at what you're living. It's always a match to what you believe.

Most of you have an abundance of blessings in your lives, and that's wonderful. You created that. Awesome!

Nearly all of you also have things going on that you'd like to change. You created those too. Awesome!

When you truly get it that you create it all, then you really know "the secret." It's the secret of who you really are. Not some lowly, powerless human struggling to get ahead. You are spirit, eternally creating, eternally evolving, eternally choosing.

As spirit you have the innate power to create anew and anew -- simply because you choose to.

What's the path to changing those old beliefs? Here are the steps.

(1) Identify an aspect of your business that you don't like. (Not enough income? Irritating, unappreciative customers? A hopelessly messy office?)

(2) Investigate to uncover the beliefs that created it. (Money is hard to get. No one understands the true value of my work. Neat people are boring conformists.)

(3) Acknowledge that what you've manifested was inevitable, given the beliefs you've been holding. Think about it -- how could you not have manifested the result you have, considering your habitual thoughts?

(4) Determine the new belief you now prefer. "I now prefer to believe in my talents and ability to attract success."

Note 1: Even though you probably won't fully accept the new belief yet -- and you have no idea how or when you will be able to accept it -- stating it begins to attract it to you.

Note 2: It doesn't work to affirm "I now believe in my talents." That would be a lie, as your circumstances have clearly shown that you do not hold that belief. You can't manipulate the Law of Attraction by wishing -- it accurately reads your vibration.

Note 3: But you can truthfully say, "I now prefer to believe in my talents." Or "I'm now willing to believe in my talents." Simply having the preference or the willingness is enough to start you attracting what you want!

You don't need to struggle against your old beliefs (it's a waste of effort). Just build your sense of possibility and optimism about the new beliefs you prefer.

About the Author:
Andrea Conway, M.Ed., C.C., is the law of attraction success mentor for solopreneurs and small business owners ready to make all the money they want at the business they love. Get an instant bonus e-report, "Fire Up Your Business Success Using the Law of Attraction," when you subscribe to her free e-zine at http://www.succcessfulselfemployment.com. You could qualify for a free 30-minute coaching session!

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