Sunday, April 12, 2009

Elvis Presley Saved My James Bond Project

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 Paul Kyriazi

Fear is the key on a new project. You stay scared, you stay alive. There is never a right time to start a new venture. And you will always feel like an outsider trying to get in. Embrace the fear and use it's energy.

Here's how I came to understand that:

Nine years ago I was driving down highway 5 from San Francisco to Los Angeles to record my first 90 minute audio-book that I believed strongly in. 'How to Live the James Bond Lifestyle'. A course that I had made up myself, using the ideas I had learned over the years in prosperity seminars.

Right then in the car, I got scared, thinking people would laugh at me listening to my audio-book, if they listened at all. They'd think, "Who does this jerk think he is, telling me how to be James Bond?"

I felt like calling the studio and canceling my recording. But then by chance the 6 hour audio-book I was listening to about the life of Elvis Presley, just came to the part where Elvis was preparing for his comeback TV special.

He was very scared to go in front of millions of people after being away from live performing for 10 years. After the Beatles and the Rolling Stones had knocked him out of the recording charts. Elvis was petrified with fear, but over came it and went on stage for the first taping in front of live audience, that would later go out to millions of viewers.

Hell, I thought. If Elvis could risk making a fool out of himself in front of millions, who am I to be scared of recording in front of nobody but the engineer in the studio? And putting out a book on Amazon? So what if a couple of guys laughed?

Now, years later, after teaching my techniques at the Learning Annex, opening and closing the show at SpyFest, getting great reviews on Amazon, many men changing their lives, the course expanded to 8 CDs, GUYS STILL LAUGH when they first hear the title.

So, when it gets rough and scary. Remember the Eagles' Take it Easy' lyrics:

"We may lose and we may win though we will never be here again. So open up, I'm climbin' in, so take it easy."

About the Author:
Paul Kyriazi - Live the James Bond Lifestyle

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