Sunday, June 7, 2009

Health Tourism is a Growing Trend in Healthcare

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 Kevin Kielty

Many people in the United States are finding themselves out of a job and also without valuable health insurance. When costly medical procedures are needed, they cannot afford to have them done in the US. Therefore, many people are traveling to foreign countries to have the procedures done. This is called "health tourism".

In the past, people usually traveled outside the US for non life-threatening procedures such as cosmetic surgery or dental surgery. However, the growing trend is for people to seek foreign treatment for more life-threatening conditions such as heart bypass surgery, heart valve replacements and spinal surgeries. In some cases the cost can be as much as 90% less than it would be in the United States. Popular destinations are Thailand, Costa Rica and India.

As many as 85,000 Americans travel to foreign countries for medical procedures every year. Companies are springing up to meet the needs of this new foreign traveler. In South Carolina, Blue Cross and Blue Shield has started the "Companion Global Healthcare" department to assist clients seeking foreign healthcare. They help with travel arrangements, transportation between airport in hospital and coordination of care.

A Worldwide Trend

People from many parts of the world, not just America are traveling to other countries to receive healthcare for various reasons. People from Europe travel due to long waiting lists at home, some come from the middle east because they believe the medical personnel are more highly trained and some people travel from Africa because they do not have access to these services in their own country.

What To Consider

While traveling abroad for healthcare procedures can be beneficial, there are a few things to consider first. For example, traveling a great distance to and from the other country can be hazardous, depending upon your condition. Anyone considering a foreign medical care should consult with their physician first. Some conditions such as cancer are best treated by a doctor in your own country with whom you have an ongoing relationship.

Investigate Ahead Of Time

Thoroughly investigate the hospital or facility you are considering travel to. Check to make sure that they are accredited with the Joint Commission International, to ensure that they meet US standards. Also talk with the physician to find out how many procedures they have done and where they received their training.

Meet with your physician before you go and make sure they will provide your medical records to the overseas doctors and to make sure both sides have the other's contact information. Also arrange aftercare before you leave. Make sure you have everything in place for your care when you get home.

If you require a costly surgery and do not have adequate health insurance, traveling to a foreign country for your treatment may be an option. Contact a reputable company to assist you and meet with your own physician to discuss the possibility of a foreign procedure. Thoroughly investigate the foreign facility and doctors your self. Make sure that they are an accredited facility and meet basic guidelines before you go.

About the Author:
Kevin Kielty lives in North Carolina and writes articles on health insurance. If you are looking for rate quotes on health insurance in North Carolina, visit BCBSNC, also known as Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina at:

Read more of Kevin Kielty's articles.

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