Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Puppy Dog Close

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 Scott Bywater

On Friday, my three year old son's cubby house, slippery dip and sandpit arrived and was erected in our backyard.

The look on his face was one of absolute delight... surprise... shock and happiness all rolled into one.

All he wanted to do all weekend was hop on it.

And when his cousins came over to our place yesterday, they had the time of their life.

Now my wife and I ummed and aahed about whether or not to get this cubby house or not.

It was virtually double the price of the others we looked at. But it had other benefits such as being non-toxic and having aesthetic appeal.

Now after we received it, it got me thinking:

What would I do if I was selling these little cubby houses.

And the thought came to me: Is there any way in the world that I would send it back?

Obviously, the answer is no.

My son loves it. His friends love it. It looks great.

There's no way in the world it's going anywhere.

And I imagine the story is the same for everyone else who buys it.

And that's why if I was running a company like this, I would use a "puppy dog close" to secure the sale.

So how does a "puppy dog" close work.

It goes like this: take the puppy for a week. If you don't like it, send it back. If you like it, then pay me our agreed amount.

Makes sense, right.

I mean obviously you would need to ensure you were targeting the right market, do credit checks and ensure your potential client could afford the product.

But that's how I would close the sale on a product like that.

It wouldn't work in some industries.

But it would work for selling cars.

It would work for selling boats.

It would work for selling bikes.

Ask yourself: could it work for your business?

And if you answered yes, think of how you can apply this strategy today.

About the Author:
Scott Bywater is an advertising copywriting expert and the author of Cash-Flow Advertising. To gain access to all of his copywriting tips on how to get more customers via his eye opening "Copywriting Selling Secrets" newsletter, simply head on over to his web site at

Follow @scottbywater on Twitter.

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