Saturday, July 4, 2009

LOA: The Secret and The Law of Attraction Doesn't Work! 3 Reasons Why

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 Andrew Brinkworth

Okay, we've all heard the reviews from friends and family.

"Oh, The Secret, my friend read it and said it was a joke so I didn't bother," says Mom.

"It worked for a while and then I gave up because I didn't get the car I wanted," says Uncle Larry

"It's just a lot of metaphysical hokum," says Steve your best friend.

Let's be quite honest, each and every one of those statements is absolutely true. Look at the search results there are just as many con articles as there are pro articles written about The Law of Attraction and The Secret. So we must say that the statements are true. FOR THEM!

Yes for them. They got out of it exactly what they put into it, and I am sure that what they put into it was exactly what most people put into it. "I've read the book, now where's my Ferrari."

The fact of the matter is, there is a Secret to the Secret and The Law of Attraction, in fact, make that 3 Secrets. The first will leave most people kicking themselves. The second is perhaps something that most people fail to recognize. The third, well the third takes some work but there are two professionals who are ready to help you!

Let's start with the first Secret. What does the Secret warn you about straight away in the book? The Universe manifests our thoughts and it cautions us to focus on our thoughts and remain positive. It's kind of a scare tactic. Think bad thoughts and bad things will happen to you; think good thoughts and you'll get good things (The Ferrari).

There is a better way to explain this because of the simple fact that in many ways, we do what most children will do when faced with this dilemma. We'll act good until we get what we want and then go back to normal after we get it. Think I'm wrong? Ask yourself why all the little terrors in your neighborhood become angels around Christmastime!

The same goes for us if we don't get what we want. We're good positive people and we think about the new house or money and after a while we don't get what we want and feel foolish and cheated and revert back to the glass is half-empty realists we were. We are ignoring a singular fact here that eludes all of us. When I read that book, I was a tremendously positive person. Everything was possible and I was going to get it. But it seemed to take a while and then I got discouraged and reverted. What did I miss?

I was happy! My friends said so, my wife said so, my parents thought so. I was a positive person for a change and people liked to have me around. And then I woke up one day and forgot. It happens. I forgot that nothing happens to me unless I act. If I don't do anything how can I ever get what I want?

Let me give you an example. A while back I worried about losing my job so I started staying up late at night working on side projects. Then I overslept and the boss fired me. You can say that it's my fault because it was, but you can also say that by thinking negatively about my job I put myself in the position where my boss had the excuse he needed to let me go! Every time I had trouble at work, it's because I was worried about my job or needed an excuse to leave. I got my wish every single time!

The moral here is that if I had just remained positive that something better was going to happen and remained a joyful person I might have enjoyed my job more or at least been someone that another company would kill to have work for them! So be positive for the only reason that I can think of. IT FEELS BETTER. Don't do it for the car do it for yourself to feel better.

The second Secret is something that most people fail to realize. If you look at the DVD and the book you notice that it's extremely basic. Why, was it so simple? So that everyone could get the basic understanding of what The Law of Attraction was all about!

The Secret is, AN EASY READER. It's only the beginning of a much larger course of study that delves both into our connection with the world around us and entreats us to look deeper into ourselves to become better people. The answer here is that for the Law of Attraction to work, it must become a lifestyle and not a phase.

The third Secret does take some work. I've been hinting at it throughout this article, I wonder if you've picked up on it yet. The reason why the Secret didn't work for you is YOU! Yes with all our hang-ups and pre-conceived notions we stopped the Universe from working for us and turned it against us. How?

Let me ask you if this sounds familiar. You've had a great day, you've said all the right things, and you've thought all the positive thoughts but its taking a little while to manifest. So, late at night as you sit in the dark you do what countless people do. You quietly sabotage yourself back to what you think is reality.

You know that thoughts I'm speaking of: "This can't possible work." "There's no such thing as free." You can't help it but you did it didn't you? Come on be honest for a second and admit it. You did set yourself up to fail. Don't worry I did too. That's why I decided that the positive feeling I had was something I needed to have or I couldn't survive and decided to invest in my own well being.

I sought out help from two of the experts who helped write The Secret, Dr. Joe Vitale, and Bob Procter. These to gentlemen have forgotten more about The Law of Attraction than most people know. Their programs are designed to help us get past the barriers we erect inside our minds and help us do what the The Law of Attraction was meant to do. Help us be happier and more content with our lives! There programs are in depth and include methods that are designed to combat all of the negative emotions we carry around with us. I do not have room to go into more detail about their programs; however you can read more about them by reading about The Law of Attraction on my website, shown below.

Remember, it's never too late to feel better about your life and to act in ways that WILL make it something you'll want to live. Don't give up hope when help is just a click away!

Good Luck.

About the Author:
Andrew Brinkworth is an Internet Marketing Expert and "The Law of Attraction" Evangelist who believes the you can improve your life today! He publishes

Read more Articles written by Andrew Brinkworth.

1 comment:

ghenessa said...

Visualization is THE KEY to creating the abundant health, passion and wealth that is your birthright. Law of Attraction