Monday, September 19, 2011

5 Tips For Writing Great Content For Your Blog

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Copyright © 2011 Lee Dobbins

The goal of any blogger should be to attract repeat visitors that devour your content and are left begging for more.

You want people to come back to your blog over and over again, and you want your content to earn their trust so that they will link to your blog, tweet your posts, like you on Facebook and eventually buy stuff from you.

That's why learning to write good web content is a must if you want to be a profitable blogger.

5 Tips For Writing Good Web Content

1. Good Web Content Focuses On Providing Value, Not Setting A Stopwatch

I often have people ask me how much time they should spend writing an article and my answer is "as long as it takes". You should be focusing on writing the best article possible on your chosen topic and not on how long it is taking you. A few extra minutes (or hours) spent making your article spectacular will pay off in spades in the long run.

When writing content for websites, one must adopt the mantra of quality over quantity. Better to spend several hours crafting a killer blog post then push out 4 substandard posts in the same amount of time. The killer blog post will get you readers and links while the 4 substandard posts will harm your credibility and drive readers away.

2. Good Web Content Is About The Reader NOT The Writer

Writing good web content is about providing a benefit to the reader. No one wants to hear about you, they want to hear about what's in it for them and how they can benefit from your article. In order to keep the reader interested, you must give them what they want.

How do you do that?

By targeting your writing to the reader instead of writing about yourself. Sure, you can write about your experience on the topic and how the tips you are going to give out helped you but don't go overboard and tell your life's story. No one, with the exception of perhaps your mother, is interested.

What you should do , however, is give out information that will help your reader. Let them know what benefit they can expect from following the advice in your article. For example, this article lets readers know that if they follow the advice on writing good content for websites they may benefit by increasing their following, getting their articles tweeted and liked and gaining readers trust.

3. Good Web Content Is Easy To Read

If you want to write great web content, then you have to brush up on your writing skills. You need to make your articles flow. They need to be easy to read or your reader will click away from your site and probably never come back.

One of the tricks of writing good web content is to make sure your article has good structure. Having different sections is good because it allows the reader to skim along and pick up the essence of the article by the headings. Make sure your article has enough information to be complete but don't be too wordy. Write only enough to convey the idea and not a sentence more.

It goes without saying that good grammar and spelling is a must. You also need to be sure that your sentences flow together and aren't stilted which makes it difficult for anyone to read.

4. Good Web Content Solves A Problem Or Gives An Answer

People read articles because they want an answer to a problem or want to learn more on a topic. Therefore, you should strive to give people answers to questions in your articles. Of course, you must know what questions people are asking first which you can find out when you do your keyword research. And then you must research the answer, if you don't know it already.

The key to writing good web content is to provide a thorough answer and not just gloss over the answer with fluff. Most content for websites is inadequate in this area and you can really make your blog stand out from the crowd by giving good solidly researched information.

Another thing to note is that you must deliver on the promise of the headline. If your title or headline is "How To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks With Natural Methods", you must tell them real natural methods to get rid of their stretch marks in the body of the article. Many people make the mistake of not actually revealing the real answers in the article in the hopes of selling them a product that does later on.

5. Great Content Has YOUR Voice

Last but not least, you want to make sure that your web content has your voice. You want your articles to sound like you talk. You don't want to write a boring essay like the ones you did in school – no one wants to read articles like that!

Develop a certain "voice" that exudes your personality so that anyone reading your content will feel like another person is "talking" to them. One way to do that is to get voice recognition software like Dragon Naturally Speaking and actually talk out the article. Or, if that doesn't work for you, simply picture that you are talking to a friend and just type out the words as they are coming into your head.

Writing good content for websites is critical if you want to develop a following. There is a ton of other bloggers out there clamoring for readers attention and you must differentiate yourself with quality if you want to stand out from the crowd. With social media becoming so prevalent today, it is critical that you provide great quality content which has real value that people want to share. Do this, and you will find that your blog subscribers grow exponentially over time.

About the Author:
Writing good web content is just one piece of the puzzle to getting traffic to your site. The other piece is having a good back linking plan which you can find out more about in this free report. You'll also want to visit to get more tips on blogging, content creation and website promotion.

Read more Articles written by Lee Dobbins.

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