Sunday, November 8, 2009

New Venue For Advertisement - Taxi Receipts

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 James LaGrange

When businesses begin evaluating marketing strategies, many start with basic print or television advertisements. The importance of choosing the proper medium can be the difference between a successful, effective campaign and a campaign which flops. With all the types of advertising out in the world today, every company is looking for that new and innovative idea for great exposure.

Taxi advertising is just one of the many varieties of outdoor advertising. The three main forms of this subset are wrap advertisements, trunk advertisements and top of hood advertisements. Some people will often neglect these ads since there are so many of them out there, but the truth is people are almost forced to look at these advertisements when they are stuck in heavy traffic or stopped waiting at a crosswalk.

An innovative form of taxi advertising will soon be introduced to the Boston market; putting ads on the back of receipts handed out to cab customers. This works by handing out receipt rolls with company ads on them, onto which the Taxi Drivers print their receipts and hand them to customers after every ride. These ads could consist of anything imaginable that would fit on the normal size receipt. In heavily congested cities or cities that are temporary homes to business travelers, this form of marketing has the opportunity to be effective in the taxi advertising market.

A similar type of advertising has been previously applied to Mexican cities. I personally was down in Cancun last year and upon paying the bus toll or taxi tab, a small slip receipt was handed to me. Generally these receipts had discounts to Mexican outlets, restaurants or entertainment shows. The slip ended up being useful as we were able to save money on our dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe.

In Boston alone, approximately 45,000 people take a taxi every day of which 80% request a receipt. Therefore, about 35,000 people are currently being missed as potential targets per day. This is a relatively small portion of the market, as Boston is not even considered in the top 20 for largest US cities. Much of the general target market would consist of business travelers. These businessmen do not have cars in the cities they travel to, and furthermore, they need to obtain a receipt for the cab trip in order to be reimbursed for their expenses. Thus they must pay attention to what is being handed to them. Make this relevant, and you have an interested potential customer.

Advertising in the United States last year totaled over 400 billion dollars. Traditional forms of advertising are now expensive and over-populated. As the market for traditional advertising declines with the fragmentation of consumers into tight groups, this ads one more way to target a particular group. Taxi marketing thus provides the ability for a business to reach a wide audience, at a more reasonable cost than other forms of advertising.

For businesses seeking more information about Taxi Advertising please visit Taxi Ad Works' website at

About the Author:
Taxi Ad Works is proud to offer taxi advertising and taxi marketing services in the Boston area. Boston cab advertising is growing as people seek to diversify and target their marketing efforts in order to justify their budgets and ad spend. We feel that this form of promotional advertising can contribute to a healthy marketing mix for the right firms and offerings. Please let us know your thoughts at Written by James LaGrange, Project Manager at

Read more of James LaGrange's articles.

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