Thursday, November 12, 2009

What's Most Important

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 Scott Bywater

The other day I was speaking to a guy who runs a company which teaches people to trade the stock market. And we were talking about psychology and how it's the most important element to your success.

He was telling me about how you can give EXACTLY the same trading system to one person and they'll go and turn it into a fortune, achieve their dream lifestyle and all that sort of good stuff.

Another will do nothing with it and claim it doesn't work.

It doesn't make any sense, does it?

But I know how true it is.

Because the reality is the same thing happens with advertising and marketing.

I can write an ad for one person. And they won't even place it.

Another person will use that same ad to make millions of dollars, like David Warne from A Crown Roast did with an advertisement I wrote for him.

I remember creating an ad for a real estate agent years ago.

The ad worked. The phones rang. People were interested.

But he claimed they were all dud leads.

I know for a fact they weren't.

They just weren't followed up properly.

He didn't send them newsletters. He didn't invite them to seminars. He didn't take the time to forge a relationship. In essence, he threw away a six figure system simply because he wouldn't put the work into follow the system. (and I know this to be true because I do it myself and have seen plenty of others succeed with this same system over the years).

I've seen this happen over and over again throughout the years.

The number one element to success is psychology.

You've got to believe a strategy can succeed. And you've got to be willing to follow the system.

It's true in the stock market. It's true in marketing. It's true in advertising. It's true in sport. And it's true in virtually every area of life.

So before you get your hands on any information product - yes, even my program - or begin any marketing or advertising strategy, make sure you...

a. Believe you can succeed.


b. Commit to following the system.

Otherwise you'll just be wasting your time and money.

I'll leave you with this quote from writer and economist, Stuart Chase

"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible"

and one more from the inventor of the electric starter, Charles Kettering:

"Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail"

About the Author:
Scott Bywater is a direct response copywriter and the author of "Cash Flow Advertising" and "More Customers Made Easy". Although Scott is accepting very few clients, he generously shares his experience on copywriting at his web site at

Read more Articles written by Scott Bywater.

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