Friday, November 27, 2009

Zig When They Zag - And Stand Out

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2009 Scott Bywater

The internet has become all the rage these days.

Don't send a letter, pop it on an email.

Don't mail the customer anything, pop it in an email.

In fact, let's forget about letters altogether and do everything electronically.

I'm as guilty of this as the next person.

But recently I received a thank you card and it made me think a little differently.

You see, I receive (and appreciate) a bundle of emails every week thanking me for the emails I send out.

And nothing makes me feel better than knowing that as I write these emails from my lonely office, someone is reading them and hopefully applying them.

However a couple of weeks ago I received something in the mail which really stood out.

It was a thank you card from a guy called Greg Kumanovski from Global Pictures. All it said was...

"Thank you for your regular emails with all the helpful ideas. Have a great day"

But I've had that card sitting on my filing cabinet ever since he sent it to me.

And I think there's a lesson here for all of us.

Whether it's thank you cards or anything else, consider sending the hard copy version over the soft copy version.

In other words: when everyone else is zigging, why not zag and stand out from the crowd.

After all, mail order should be far more effective these days because nobody else is doing it.

For instance, yesterday I was chatting with a guy who sent out his proposals via email.

He was getting a lot of proposals requests coming in every week and would pretty much churn back a standard response with a quotation.

I suggested he set up a system where he could send them out via mail instead.

We worked out that all he would need to pay for the cost of the mail is a 1% increase in response.

My bet is that he would get it.

Especially when all of his competitors are probably doing everything via email as well.

So take a moment now to think of how you can do things differently... and use alternative strategies to stand out from your competition.

About the Author:
Scott Bywater is a direct response copywriter with extensive experience in B2B and B2C writing. Mr Bywater is the author of Cash-Flow Advertising and More Customers Made Easy. You can gain access to his copywriting and marketing tips via his entertaining and eye opening "Copywriting Selling Secrets" newsletter available at

Visit Scott Bywater's Copywriting That SELLS website.

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