Sunday, July 31, 2011

How To Have An Endless Stream Of Highly Qualified Free Leads (Part 2)

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2011 Willie Crawford

In part-1 of this article, I shared with you how it's now easier than ever to become a recognized expert by publishing valuable information in your niche.

I also shared that you can now publish your books, pamphlets or reports, right on the Amazon Kindle Platform, and that you can even do it for 100% free.

This video even shows you step-by-step how to register an account, set everything up, upload your ebook, and start making sales in as little as a day or two.

In part-1 of the article, I also told you that if you don't like writing, or are not very comfortable with it, you can talk out your ebook and then have it transcribed.

Another option is to have someone ghost-write it for you. You would be surprised at how inexpensively you can have a book or ebook ghost-written for you.

In fact, my good friend, Mike Lewis, has a business where he can create and publish a book for you for as little as $1000.

Incredible isn't it?

Let me know if you'd like more info on Mike's crazy service.

Another alternative is to simply take "private label rights" and turn them into your own books or ebooks.

If you are not familiar with private label rights, it's where a writer or researcher has already done all of the work in creating the rough draft, and they sell it to you...with permission to do almost anything that you want with it.

You COULD take a private label rights ebook, that you buy for as little as $10, and publish it, as-is, just putting your name on it (depending upon the license stipulations).

That wouldn't be very smart because people who sell private label rights often sell the exact same rights to hundreds of different people.

We DO live in a big world, and the chances of your readers noticing another person publishing the SAME book over their name is actually fairly slim... in most niches.

But why be lazy?

Why not create an ebook that you'd be happy to have your name on, and representing YOU, by treating that PLR as if it were just a rough draft.

If I were to personally use a PLR ebook and publish it as my own, I would:

1) Give it a new name. 2) Have a new cover designed for it. 3) Rename every chapter. 4) Go through every chapter rewording as desired, and making sure that it was 100% accurate. 5) Add an about the author section, that is sort of your "glorified business card." 6) Add a "bounce-back offer"... an offer in the book for an additional report or bonus if they will go to your website, fill out a form, and claim it.

If you're thinking that sounds like a lot of trouble, you're missing the point!

This ebook is going to become the tool that generates a steady stream of highly-qualified leads for you. That's why you want the bounce-back offer. When they visit your website to claim that bonus, THAT'S where you get them into your leads system.

This ebook is going to sell them on the fact that YOU are the person who really understands their problems, and are the right one to help them. So, you DON'T want to cut corners.

You want that ebook to present the best image of you possible.

You want that ebook to convey that you are a real expert!

I did mention in part-1, that you want an entire "body of work." So, yes, I was implying that you want several books on your topic.

You want several... maybe even a dozen books "out there" working for you as lead generators.

When you watched the video at: you saw that this really isn't difficult.

You did watch the video didn't you?

If not, go watch it now. It's too important for you to miss... and we need to get you in the habit of following through and actually getting things done!

Writing a book really isn't hard. I wrote my first one in about three months (a cookbook). It also took me about three months to write my second book (an autobiography).

Both books have been selling steadily for nearly a decade, AND both books are now offered on the Amazon Kindle Platform as ebooks.

I rolled them out as physical books, BUT since people are reading twice as many ebooks as physical books, I offer my readers what they want.

"Mama didn't raise no fool."

Here's the thing... my cookbook, my autobiography, and all of the "numerous" other books that I've written all let my readers get to know me AND recognize me as an expert.

The last few ebooks that I wrote only took me one to two DAYS each.

Yes, I can write a quality ebook in a day... from scratch :-)

These ebooks... these lead generators WORK!

Readers come to me ready to take advantage of my expertise when I offer it.

That's what you want too, isn't it?

Well, all that's left now... is for you to just go do it :-)

About the Author:
Willie Crawford is one of the worlds leading internet marketing and joint venture experts. For more of his teachings, subscribe to his free email newsletter at: You'll be glad that you did!

Follow Willie Crawford on Twitter.

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