Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wealthy Salon/Spa Owners Understand the Power of Their Words!

Article Presented by:
Copyright © 2011 Dan Lok

I work with a lot of different salon and spa owners. I have come to the realization that wealthy salon/spa owners speak a different language then struggling salon/spa owners even though they are in the same business.

What do I mean? Language is more powerful then we give it credit. Language actually has the power to have a stronger impact then drugs. Medical tests with placebos have proven this for years. The doctor says a certain placebo pill will lower your cholesterol, lessen your anxiety or some other effect. In test after test for certain patients what the doctor says about the placebo pill actually influences what the pill seems to do. Now that is power of language.

There is a pattern to the language wealthy salon/spa owner's use. They used words like can. They have goals, projects and challenges. Struggling salon/spa owners use the words I can't, instead of having goals, projects and challenges they have problems, hassles and night mares.

A struggling salon/spa owner will say I am swamped; I am just trying to make a living. The wealthy salon/spa owner will acknowledge they are busy designing and creating the life they want.

When it comes to making changes in the salon or spa wealthy owners are excited about making changes struggling owners are worried and upset that they have to make changes. The wealthy owner would look to see what they can learn from the experience of changing while the struggling owner just tries to get through the change. The wealthy owner plans things and the struggling owner wishes for things.

It is interesting to notice the link between language and performance however what excites me is when a struggling salon/spa owner's start practicing and using the language of wealthy salon/spa owners. When you start using new language you begin to experience a freedom that goes beyond your current circumstance and you have the freedom to reinvent your own reality.

We don't have permanent language or thoughts, we have shifting patterns of thoughts and language. And these patterns can be interrupted and replaced with other patterns.

People switch patterns in other areas of their lives. Take the case of some baseball players who can as easily hit a baseball from the right side of the plate as the left side of the plate. This isn't natural. They weren't born that way. They put new patterns in place and became switch hitters. Now they effortlessly and gracefully hit balls from either side of the plate.

To become a switch hitter they use a technique known as pattern replacement. You can replace any thought (pattern) with another. All it takes is relentless practice. You are not stuck. I am not stuck.

Wealthy salon/spa owners use language to create the life they want and struggling salon/spa owners use language to describe the life they have. What language are you using?

About the Author:
Dan Lok was a college dropout working as a grocery bagger in a local supermarket for minimum wage when he set out to make something of himself. A true immigrant success story - Dan came to North America as a teenager with little knowledge of English and no contacts. He became a self-made millionaire by the age of twenty-seven. Dan wrote about his experience of opening a successful salon in his book Lies Salon Owners Believe And The Truth That Sets Them Free. Visit Dan at:

Read more of Dan Lok's articles.

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